Firstly, to all of you who stood up the front at a little red show with your bright eyes, clutching an umbrella shirt and clapping when we had nothing to say, thank you!
I'm writing in the few days break we have before the final (and 3rd!) melbourne show of the 'Listen to Little Red' tour, which has been the longest outing we've done so far with 20 odd shows all over the place. It seems we were unknowingly very lucky to have partnered up with our friends Little Red, because despite any initial misgivings anyone may have had about regional audience sizes or the compatibility of music styles, the tour was a great success. This was in no small part due to the ability of Little Red (or petit rouge as the french fans screamed) to pull massive crowds of genuine music lovers to the shows.

Highlights were...
- sticking it to the fascists at the Perth venue by defacing their new wall in the dressing room with our new (unofficial) mascot, the ginger bread soul man.
- sleeping in beds almost half the time.
- Will getting pants off on the dance floor at the Corner and punching another band member in the face with his bizarre moves.
- scaling the wall of our melbourne hotel, smashing the window and ripping the backside out of my jeans when the doorman could have just let me in.
- whatever happened to Adrian from LR in brisbane, he won't talk about it.
- when Benn the andy bull trombone player fell in love with a girl in the front row who we named shaniqua and then found out she was dating anthony mundine.
We're back in melbourne this saturday (Sep 20) for the final Corner Hotel show and then we have a lovely 2 week break before we launch back into it for the Immaculate Confection Tour, where we'll be hitting most of the places on the Little Red tour and then some...
Tickets for the tour have gone on sale so visit
to check out the closest one to you and buy a ticket!
We're cooking up something interesting with the Yves Klein Blue guys so that your heads will explode in the final song...